Current Version : 1.14.10
Author: Super Bit MachineAction
Armajet apk download
Armazet is a 4v4 arena shooter with quick three minute rounds! Team up with friends or go solo in this fast-paced action game!
100% skill based
Never pay to win! Armjet's game mechanics are easy to learn, hard to master and bridging the gap for ultra-competitive, cross-platform gameplay. Intuitive twin-stick mobile controls make flight and shooting easier - survival is the challenge.
Choose your game mode
Team Deathmatch: Immerse yourself in Team Deathmatch Arenas along with fighting for air supremacy. Lead in points at the end of the three minute round or get 30 bullets to win!
Fuel Mania: Looking for a strategic game mode? Expressed it for you. Collect and grab 10 fuel cells to win. But if you disintegrate before the countdown is over, defeat them all!
Battle Ball: 3 goals in enemy power circle to win! Throw, pass, and even sink the Battle Ball to cause killer chain reactions!
Uttar Pradesh with friends
Create your own party or join a friend! Blazes out of this world fight together arenas and contraceptive teams! Team PvP combat is the best!
WEAPON Mode Number
Do you prefer close range PvP combat or are far away deadly? Choose an all-purpose automatic rifle, a defensive position with long-range sniper rifles, or wreak havoc with exotic flamethrow. With 700+ weapon modes to keep you in action, never run out of options! Armajet apk download