
  Math Games, Learn Add, Subtract, Multiply & Divide apk download

Math Games, Learn Add, Subtract, Multiply & Divide apk download

Current Version    9.1

Author: GunjanApps StudiosEducationalEducation

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 Math Games, Learn Add, Subtract, Multiply & Divide apk download

Free math games for everyone from children to adults. Best Maths practices games to train your brain and is designed for all ages including children, girls and boys, adults including parents and grandparents. Smallest math app in size on Google Play! The easiest multiplication and division game with addition and subtraction games all in one app. Increase your brain power with an excellent educational game for children and adults of all ages to learn mathematics. Cool math game free with an xtra math.


- Version games: adding numbers with quiz and practice games

- Subtraction game: subtracting numbers to solve equations

- Multiplication game: Multiplication table learning and duel mode

- Division game: practice and learn division table

- Exponential and square root: counting math puzzles for children and adults

- Multiplication Game

- cool math puzzle game

- Math Table or Math Time Table

- Mathematics Classic 15 puzzles, Sudoku and more math exercises for brain

- New online multiplayer math game

- All in one math app with mini math games and puzzles in math

- Play the best fun math games with math quiz

Each category has different play modes to improve math skills - play, learning, quiz, practice, duel and test. Math games can be educational learning for children or brain training app for adults. Basic and simple math game of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with a colorful worksheet. Each set of worksheets shows a score after completion.

Math Games, Learn Add, Subtract, Multiply & Divide apk download

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