Current Version : 2.0.435
Samsara Gameapk download
Now 100% free to play, no ads, nothing. We hope it brings a smile to your face in these difficult times - be safe!
Help Zee Samsara escape! Drop blocks of different shapes and qualities in a radius of two dimensions, with a twist in this beautiful, reflective puzzle game ...
While playing in the park, Zee follows a squirrel inhabited by a shadow child through a portal to a world of echoes. Surrounded by the unknown and trapped in a series of both deceptive and dangerous locations, the youth must avoid slipping into the pool between the dimensions they share with the player while searching and traveling and waking up, up And down stairs, through light and darkness, upside-down and right until their final freedom.
• Explore 77 levels of mirrored dimensions in 6 hand-wide circles, each with hidden "Easter eggs" to hide.
• Simple play mechanic - select, rotate and drop blocks and use their reflections
• Progress carefully, introduce new concepts progressively
• The blocks must both be balanced and respond to gravity, allowing asymmetric placement between the two dimensions, falling towards the pool ...
• ... Although later in the game, new types of block reflections can behave "abnormally" under gravity
• Environmental interactions include falling stones and forks that increase exposure to the resonance of ze but shrink to zee's own touch, allowing time-bound block movements to be established
• Lovingly crafted by a team of experienced developers in New Zealand, with innovative puzzle design and a unique art and animation style
Samsara Gameapk download