
Sketch a Day: Daily challenge& tutorials apk downloads

Sketch a Day: Daily challenge& tutorials apk downloads

Sketch a Day: Daily challenge& tutorials apk downloads

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Author: Tom HicksArt & Design

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Sketch a Day: Daily challenge& tutorials apk downloads

Get daily inspiration and let your creativity flow with Sketch Day! Add 50,000 Artists to the

 Best Sketching Community!

The idea is simple: every day, we set a new topic to attract everyone. You do your sketch or

 drawing, take a photo, and upload it to everyone for that day.

You can sketch, draw, paint, use digital art apps. Whatever you like gets you in the habit of

 pulling every day.

Submit as you like, and watch your progress over time.

And with the all-new Learn section, you'll get great tutorials from our amazing community 

of talented artists. Want to learn watercolors? Craving clever ideas? Need to practice drawing

 people? Then the Learn section is perfect for you.

A lot of people are using Sketch Day as a great way to start a positive habit. I have received

 many messages of support about people's mental health, well-being and the impact on the 

mind. Sketching is a big habit, even though, like so many people, you feel like you can't 

"draw". It is a very peaceful, calm and creative pastime, and getting the help and support of 

others is a great way to feel good about yourself.

Sketch A Day is a wonderful, positive community in which people from all over the world


 together to pull together a common theme. If you need ideas for drawing, inspiration,

 encouragement or just want to see amazing art, Sketch A Day is the perfect app for you.

If you've ever taken to Inktrob, this app is like that - but forever - and you have a place to

 share your work and enjoy others.

Sketch a Day: Daily challenge& tutorials apk downloads