
Lines of Play apk download

Lines of Play apk download

Lines of Play apk download
Current Version  10  

Author: Google Creative LabArt & Design

Download APK (28.43MB)

Lines of Play apk download

Thanks to Google's ARCore Depth API, Design Domino Art Design interacts with the real world.

 No fancy sensors or add-ons are needed, just use your camera which has all the features of AR.

 Inclusion and collision allow you to encapsulate realities: hide your dominoes

 behind real-world obstacles, or create a domino path on your sidewalk, drop it from top to bottom,

 and watch as it collides with a parked car. Spatial audio provides a little extra satisfaction

 in the form of topped creations that are son-zig-zag around you. Learn more

 at g.co/lines of play.

You can also find the source code for the rows of Play at https://github.com/googlecreativelab


Permissions notice:

Camera: Need to use augmented reality features.

 Lines of Play apk download

Lines of Play apk downloadLines of Play apk download